How to Choose a Children's Snowboard?

India Big Game

Children often dream of learning snowboard. Today, a range of equipment designed for their size and level is available.

‍So how do you choose the right board for your future rider? Discover all our recommendations to help you!‍

Quick Guide

A child's snowboard must be selected based on the child's size

Child's snowboard boots must be selected based on the child's shoe size

Child's snowboard bindings must be selected based on the size of the snowboard boots selected


What is the correct snowboard size for a child?

When selecting the size of a child's snowboard, one essential criteria must be taken into consideration: the size of the child. A short board is easier to manoeuvre.

This will increase the child's confidence so they can find their feet and progress more quickly. A longer board will be more difficult to manoeuvre.

Yes, but… children grow, on average, 6 cm per year! You don't necessarily want to buy a new snowboard every year. A good compromise is to opt for a board that is 10 cm to 20 cm smaller than your child. That way, they'll be able to keep it for a couple of seasons.

There are also boards with two binding positions. If your child has grown considerably, you can opt for the larger distance between the bindings.  

‍To help you select the size for a child's snowboard:

RIDER'S SIZE (JUNIOR) : 95 to 1.15m -> BOARD SIZE (+/- 5 CM) All Mountain / Freestyle : 90 RIDER'S SIZE (JUNIOR) : 1.15 to 1.30m -> BOARD SIZE (+/- 5 CM) All Mountain / Freestyle : 105 RIDER'S SIZE (JUNIOR) : 1.30 to 1.45m -> BOARD SIZE (+/- 5 CM) All Mountain / Freestyle : 120 RIDER'S SIZE (JUNIOR) : 1.45 to 1.60m -> BOARD SIZE (+/- 5 CM) All Mountain / Freestyle : 135 RIDER'S SIZE (JUNIOR) : 1.60 to 1.65m -> BOARD SIZE (+/- 5 CM) All Mountain / Freestyle : 145TIP : Put the board next to the child: it should roughly reach between the neck and nose.

Twin tip and rocker, the winning combination for junior snowboards

Over the past few years, the twin tip snowboard has been the definite answer to children's snowboards. It's a board that is symmetrical at both ends. And so it's easy for you to ride both forward and switch stance (backwards). With the Twin tip, your little snowboarder will soon feel very comfortable sliding in both directions! The "rocker" describes a board that is raised on both sides, beyond the bindings. It helps eliminate edging mistakes (and therefore falls!) on the flat part of the slopes and makes turns easier. Combining these two technologies when you choose your child's board, will make it easier to manoeuvre and to learn!

junior snowboard

Choosing children's snowboard boots

It's normal for snowboarding boots to be large and rather stiff! For this very reason, it is not always evident whether you have selected the correct size. Here are two tips to help you:

If you remove the boot liner, you'll be able to feel your child's toes and check if there is enough room or not.

If the boot doesn't have a liner, remove the insole and place your child's foot on top of it. There should be a 10 to mm gap between the big toe and the end of the sole.

This small 10 mm gap is very important. Air is a thermal insulator and will help keep your child's feet nice and warm!

Choosing children's snowboard bindings  India Big Game

It's normal for snowboarding boots to be large and rather stiff! For this very reason, it is not always evident whether you have selected the correct size. Here are two tips to help you:

If you remove the boot liner, you'll be able to feel your child's toes and check if there is enough room or not

If the boot doesn't have a liner, remove the insole and place your child's foot on top of it. There should be a 10 to mm gap between the big toe and the end of the sole. This small 10 mm gap is very important. Air is a thermal insulator and will help keep your child's feet nice and warm!  

‍ TIP: When it comes to boot closure systems, avoid the traditional knot tying which is too complicated for children. Opt instead for a snap tightening system.

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