How To Choose The Right Snowboard in 4 Steps (Buyer's Guide) rummy

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When you first start snowboarding you should look out for all-mountain models, which are great for learning and versatile enough for many different terrains. Little tip: More expensive doesn’t always equal better.

1. All-Mountain

In a Nutshell, This Type of Snowboard is Versatile

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Groomed pistes, park runs and powder are perfect for all-mountain snowboard owners. They have a directional shape with the nose set slightly higher than the tail to ensure good float through the snow, and a medium flex that makes them ideal for beginners and intermediates and a variety of snowboarding styles.

2. Freestyle

Do You Like to Impress Your Friends?

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For adventurous snowboarders who like to switch from slopes to off-piste to impressing their friends with the latest tricks, the freestyle snowboard is spot on. It has a more rigid construction for stability at speed, and tends to be longer than all-mountain snowboards.‍

3. Flex

A Flexible Snowboard is Best For Beginners 

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They’re easier to control and land well on flat surfaces. More advanced snowboarders will enjoy the challenge of a rigid snowboard that picks up speed faster and works well in the air.

4. Length

What's The Right Size For You?

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Your all-mountain snowboard is the right size for you if, when stood upright, it finishes between the base of your neck and chin. The lighter you are, the lower down you should look within this range, while longer boards will provide extra stability for heavier snowboarders.

Freestyle snowboards are slightly different and should reach between your shoulders and chin. Keep in mind that smaller boards are better for rotations.

Top Tips‍

More expensive doesn’t always equal better

Colours, prints and graphics don’t matter – focus on finding the right snowboard for you rather than the way it looks and then you can always customise it later

If your shoe size is 11 or above, choose a wide snowboard so your feet don't dig into the snow as you turn

Try a few on for size – we have a wide selection of snowboards in store, so it’s well worth popping in to talk to one of experts and get a feel for your favourites before you buy.

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