How to Choose your Snow Boots-


Long or short, summer or winter...Discover our advice in order to select a suitable model.The selection of warm or après-skis shoes is based on 3 criteria: the use, the duration of the outing, and the weather forecast


Greater comfort and freedom of movement is required when walking across lowland.

On the contrary, when mountain hiking, you will also need the support of a warm shoe

Duration of Walks

The duration of outings is often linked to level:


For a short period (less than 3 hours) heel cushioning is adequate


For medium to long periods (over 3 hours) you will require built-in cushioning.

Weather Conditions rummy

Some people plan outings dependent on good weather, others are more daring. Which category do you generally fall in?


If you only hike in good weather, you will require breathability.


If you are hiking in all weather, you will require waterproofing

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